Susan Morris, Partnership Coordinator
With Bishop Joel Obetia and Rev. "Mama" Joy Obetia, Madi-West Nile Diocese, Church of Uganda
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Northeast Florida area friends! Important event Saturday, April 21st!!!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Leavin' on a jet plane...
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Gulu, Northern Uganda. What a blast I had playing soccer with these girls! Canon Alison Barfoot and I were attending meetings with the management committee of The Father’s House children’s center and checking on the progress of the construction of the new homes. Outside, groups of children were playing soccer (football, to them). During a break I got involved playing with this group of girls and we became instant friends. They got such a kick out of the grey-haired muzungu (white) lady playing football. What fun we had together! Later in the day a group of the younger ones gathered around me while I read them some Bible stories – from my Kindle! Of course, they’d never seen one before and were quite curious about it. They were so sweet, and I was blessed to pray over them before we left.
It’s been almost three months since I left Uganda for what I had anticipated would be a fairly short visit. Much good has come of my time here. The best thing of all is that God has confirmed, in my heart and in other ways, that Uganda is where I belong! Mukama Asiimwe! (Praise the Lord!)
Right now I feel a bit like this baby monkey; a little sad, but hopeful, looking up for help. My eyes are on my Abba, Father, trusting in His provision so I can return to Uganda soon. Please be praying as well. Is our Abba asking you to partner with me in mission?
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Gee, I don't feel that "old."
Question posed to me by salesman at department store in Kampala:
Why do people "my age" leave a prosperous country like the U.S. and come live in Uganda?
After getting over the "people my age" shock, the Spirit enabled me to share the Gospel! The young man said he was a Christian; I pray seeds of a deeper understanding of the love of Christ will take root and grow.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Rethinking Blog Format
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
June 15, 6:05 pm
Can you believe it? My departure date is so close I’m having a little trouble grasping it myself. After several years of preparation, many trials and much tribulation, a lot of growth and learning to depend even more on the Lord, I’m finally leaving my generally comfy life in the U.S. to begin life as a missionary in Uganda. And, oh, how faithful our God is to those who belong to Him!
Pray for me in these final days, that I will leave well and begin well!
Please keep me in your prayers as I work on wrapping up all the things I need to accomplish before the 15th. Please pray also for God’s provision, as I still need to raise another $1,800 per month in order to be fully funded. I know that I have been called, and that the timing is now, so I am stepping out in faith that God will provide that which is needed, when it is needed.
“I thank my God every time I remember you…I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel…”
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